Sunday, January 14, 2007

Getting Started with Open Source BPEL

I am interested in the area of Service Oriented Architecture. I read Thomas Erl’s “Service Orient Architecture” and am working my way through “Web Services Platform Architecture”(Weerawarana,...).

I find it a rather daunting area and I am hoping to get to a point soon where I read something and come away with more answers than questions. I wanted an open source tool to experiment with BPEL (Business Process Execution Language).

The open source tool available is called ActiveBPEL which can be downloaded from All I have done so far is set up the software and run the demonstration BPEL Orchestration.

Software I used to get things running:
Java 1.5
Ant 1.6.5
Tomcat 5.5.20
ActiveBPEL 3.0.0

The ActiveBPEL version I downloaded did not have the loan approval orchestration tutorial that I believe other versions came with. The can be downloaded from and I did deploy it and run the client code that interacted with it.

This is as far as I have went with it. My goal in the immediate future is to create my own BPEL orchestrations with my own web services to move more seriously into SOA.

1 comment:

  1. You can also download a BPEL authoring tool called the ActiveBPEL Designer from ActiveBPEL Designer is hands-down the best tool available for building BPEL orchestrations, and it's free.

    Hopt this helps.
