Saturday, February 17, 2007

Some good sample BPEL examples!

There are some good BPEL examples to work from at

Just a note beforehand, you should read the instructions for each example before trying to run them. I encountered some errors that were frustrating but after reading the instructions I was able to get them running.

I think it is a guy thing that instructions are for wussies. ;-)

The 2 examples that I ran so far

For the complex exchange, I had to set the following environment variables.

I set up the following environment variables

1. Make sure that it the complex_exchange.bpr file gets deployed correctly
ant deploy-bpr
2. Then you should be able to run the client correctly
ant client


This example has instructions where you have to
- edit the aeEngineConfig.xml as noted in the instructions
- copy the aecf-xmlstring.jar to the activeBpel engine's \shared\lib directory
- restart tomcat

1. Make sure that it the complex_exchange.bpr file gets deployed correctly
ant deploy-bpr
2. Then you should be able to run the client correctly
ant client

There is a deployment issue when you try to deploy both applications.
The error can be seen by looking at the deployment log:


Due to a Duplicate service name: complexToBpelPartnerLinkService in both bprs.

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