Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Definition of SOA and others

I have been reading on SOA for just over a year now and am feeling more comfortable with it. I know that SOA is not the same thing as web services although web services is probably the most commonly used technology, although SOA has been implemented in other technologies including CORBA.

My first crack at the definition of Service Oriented Architecture:

An SOA is an architecture consisting of reusable interoperable services to help make the enterprise more agile(reducing time to market) and efficient(increasing component reuse). Services should be discoverable, composable, provide an SLA and adequate security. An SOA is aided greatly by the use of an Enterprise Service Bus(ESB). The ESB acts as an intermediary between the service consumer and service provider. The ESB allows the service consumer and service provider to interact without knowing the location of the other, essentially avoiding any point to point integration problems.

I welcome other viewpoints on the definition of SOA, please comment if you have other ideas or agree more with one of the defintions listed below. Although, I think there is no true correct definition.

Antony Kimber has a posting on the definition of SOA as well at

My eventual goal is to look at the benefits of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks in implementing an SOA. In particular, TOGAF and the Zachman Framework.

The following is a list of 9 SOA definitions from recent popular books on the subject or vendor websites:

“SOA is a form of technology architecture that adheres to the principles of service-orientation. When realized through the Web services technology platform, SOA establishes the potential to support and promote these principles throughout the business process and automation domains of an enterprise.” 1

“With an enterprise architecture grounded in Service Orientation, we’re looking for a broad set of rules and practices that govern the design and evolution of organizations that leverage business resources as Services. We call that set of rules and practices Service-Oriented Architecture”2

“SOA is a conceptual business architecture where business functionality, or application logic, is made available to SOA users, or consumers, as shared, reusable services on an IT network. “Services” in an SOA are modules of business or application functionality with exposed interfaces, and are invoked by messages.”3

“SOA is neither a technology nor a technology standard, but instead it represents a technology-independent, high-level concept that provides architectural blueprints, such as the ones outlined in the first part of this book. These architectural blueprints are focusing on the slicing, dicing, and composition of the enterprise application layer in a way that the components that are created and exposed as services in the SOA are not only technically independent but also have a direct relationship to business functionality”4

“SOA is supposed to provide clean, well-defined interfaces between business entitites – between service providers and service consumers”5

“Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports service orientation. Service orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and service-based development and the outcomes of services.”6

“Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural design pattern that concerns itself with defining loosely-coupled relationships between producers and consumers.
.. There is no widely agreed upon definition of SOA other than its literal translation. It is an architecture that relies on service-orientation as its fundamental design principle. In an SOA environment independent services can be accessed without knowledge of their underlying platform implementation. These concepts can be applied to business, software and other types of producer/consumer systems.

“Service orientation is a means for integrating across diverse systems. Each IT resource, whether an application, system, or trading partner, can be accessed as a service.”8

“Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a business-centric IT architectural approach that supports integrating your business as linked, repeatable business tasks, or services. SOA helps users build composite applications, which are applications that draw upon functionality from multiple sources within and beyond the enterprise to support horizontal business processes.”9


1. Thomas Erl,”Service-Oriented Architecture(Concepts, Technology, and Design)”, 2006, p. 55
2. Bloomberg, Schmelzer, “ Service Orient or Be Doomed”, 2006, p.126
3. Marks, Bell, “Service-Oriented Architecture – A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology”, 2006, p.1
4. Krafzig, Banke, Slama “Enterprise SOA – Service Oriented Architecture Best Practices”, 2005, p. 8
5. Brown, “Succeeding with SOA”, 2007, p xxii
6. ,Retrieved October 28, 2007
7., retrieved October 28, 2007
8. October 28, 2007
9. Retrieved October 28, 2007


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